
Jul 2024

We are pleased to announce that the DeepCERES and DeepThalamus pipelines are now available for use on the Volbrain platform.

Jul 2024

We are glad to announce that our project entitled “CLINIC BRAIN - Development of an Ultra-High Resolution Multimodal Brain MRI Image Analysis Software for Application to Clinical Settings” has been granted. This project will represent a major advance in our mission to develop ultra high resolution brain volumetry methods using current clinical quality MRI data.

May 2024

Two works of our members have been accepted in MIDL2024. Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for MRI Bias Correction A new deep learning based method for automatic MR image inhomogeneity correction has been proposed. The method uses unsupervised learning to estimate the bias corrected images minimizing a cost function based on the entropy of the corrupted image, the derivative of the estimated bias field and corrected image statistics. It has been compared with the state-of-the-art method N4 providing improved results in time and tissue coefficient of variation metrics. REMIX Resolution Enhancement through Mixture of Experts We propose a new deep learning method to enhance resolution in MNI space. The method exploits real affine transformations to generate realistic MRI data degradation models. We generate low-resolution images from high-resolution HCP data and real-acquisition low-resolution images at MNI152 space. Besides, we demonstrate the effectiveness of a Mixture of Experts approach to handle the varying input resolutions commonly seen in clinical environments. The approach has proven to be highly effective in improving the resolution of MRI data.

January 2024

The paper DeepCERES A Deep learning method for cerebellar lobule segmentation using ultra-high resolution multimodal MRI is now available on arXiv for consultation.

January 2024

The paper DeepThalamus A novel deep learning method for automatic segmentation of brain thalamic nuclei from multimodal ultra-high resolution MRI is now available on arXiv for consultation.

November 2023

Members of the group attended CASEIB 2023, the Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (SEIB). During this event, Sergio Morell Ortega and Marina Ruiz Perez presented their latest results on automatic segmentation of the cerebellum and thalamus, within the HoliBrain project. It was an enriching meeting where we shared knowledge, learned from other researchers and immersed ourselves in the latest advances in our field. A great opportunity to collaborate and continue promoting innovation in biomedical engineering in Spain.

June 2023

As part of the Volbrain team’s commitment to providing a quality and innovative service, we have been developing the new volBrain platform. There will be available to the scientific community all the pipelines of this platform and the new ones based on the latest advances in Deep Learning.

The UPV and the CNRS of France create vol2Brain, a totally free software that allows obtaining information “of special relevance” for the advancement of research on neurological pathologies. System description here

  1. April 2019

The UPV and the CNRS of France create a new online tool for the study of the brain.

  1. November 2017

A UPV-UV-CNRS study confirms that the brains of men mature later and age worse than those of women. A study carried on volBrain. See new

  1. May 2015

The UPV and the CNRS develop volBrain, a new free online system essential for research into neurological pathologies. See platform