
Group highlights

At the end of this page, you can find the full list of publications. If you want to find previous publication go to the research group leader personal web page

vol2Brain: A new online Pipeline for whole Brain MRI analysis

In this work, we present a fully automatic pipeline (vol2Brain) for whole brain segmentation and analysis, which densely labels (N > 100) the brain while being robust to the presence of WML.

José V. Manjón, José E. Romero, Roberto Vivo-Hernando, Gregorio Rubio, Fernando Aparici, Mariam de la Iglesia-Vaya and Pierrick Coupé.

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2022.

DeepHIPS: A novel Deep Learning based Hippocampus Subfield Segmentation method

In this work, we present a novel pipeline for automatic hippocampus subfield segmentation based on a deeply supervised convolutional neural network. The method has been compared to other state-of-the-art methods showing improved results in terms of accuracy and execution time.

Jose V. Manjón, Jose E. Romero and Pierrick Coupé.

Scientific Reports, 2022.

Towards a broader deep-learning generalization for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation.

We use an ensemble of multiple compact 3D CNNs with large overlapping receptive fields, in order to produce consensus segmentation robust to domain shift and performing well on unseen datasets, called DeepLesionBrain.

Reda Abdellah Kamraoui, Vinh-Thong Ta, Thomas Tourdias, Boris Mansencal, Jose V Manjon, Pierrick Coupe.

Medical Image Analysis, 2022.

AssemblyNet: A large ensemble of CNNs for 3D Whole Brain MRI Segmentation.

In this paper, we present a novel ensemble method based on a large number of CNNs processing different overlapping brain areas for whole brain segmentation of fine-grained structures

P. Coupé, B. Mansencal, M. Clément, R. Giraud, B. Denis de Senneville, V.-T Ta, V. Lepetit and Jose V. Manjón.

Neuroimage, 2020.

Deep ICE: A Deep learning approach for MRI Intracranial Cavity Extraction.

In this paper, we present an accurate and efficient approach to automatically segment the intracranial cavity using a volumetric 3D convolutional neural network and a new 3D patch extraction strategy specially adapted to deal with the traditional low number of training cases available in supervised segmentation and the memory limitations of modern GPUs.

Jose V. Manjón, Jose E. Romero, Roberto Vivo-Hernando, Gregorio Rubio-Navarro, Mariam De la Iglesia-Vaya, Fernando Aparici-Robles, Pierrick Coupé.

arXiv, 2020.

pBrain: A novel pipeline for Parkinson related brain structure segmentation.

In this paper, we present a novel pipeline to segment three deep brain structures related to Parkinson’s disease (substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus and red nucleus).

José V. Manjón, Alexa Bertó, José E. Romero, Enrique Lanuza, Roberto Vivo-Hernando, Fernando Aparici-Robles and Pierrick Coupe.

Neuroimage:Clinical, 2020.

Multimodal Hippocampal Subfield Grading For Alzheimer's Disease Classification.

The aim of our work is to improve the current classification performances based on the hippocampus with a new multimodal patch-based framework combining structural and diffusivity MRI.

Kilian Hett, Vinh-Thong Ta, Gwenaelle Catheline, Thomas Tourdias, Jose V. Manjón, Pierrick Coupe.

Scientific Reports, 2019.

Timeline of brain alterations in Alzheimer's disease across the entire lifespan

We compared the normal model based on 2944 control subjects with the pathological model based on 3262 patients (AD + Mild cognitive Impaired subjects) older than 55 years and controls younger than 55 years. Our study provides evidences of early divergence of the AD models from the normal aging trajectory before 40 years,

Pierrick Coupé, Jose V. Manjón, Enrique Lanuza, Gwenaelle Catheline.

Scientific Reports, 2019.

volBrain: an online MRI brain volumetry system

In this work we present a novel and fully automatic pipeline for volumetric brain analysis based on multi-atlas label fusion technology that is able to provide accurate volumetric information at different levels of detail in a short time.

Jose V. Manjón and Pierrick Coupe.

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 2016.


Full List of publications

The anatomical MRI staging of frontotemporal dementia variants
Vincent Planche, Boris Mansencal, José V manjon, Thomas Tourdias, Gwenaëlle Catheline and Pierrick Coupé.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2023.

Longitudinal detection of new MS lesions using Deep Learning.
Reda A Kamraoui, Boris Mansencal, Jose V Manjon and Pierrick Coupe.
Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 2022.

Midbrain structure volume, estimated myelin and functional connectivity in idiopathic generalised epilepsy.
Andrea McKavanagh, Adam Ridzuan-Allen, Barbara A.K. Kreilkamp, Yachin Chen, José V. Manjón, Pierrick Coupé, Martyn Bracewell, Kumar Das, Peter N. Taylor, Anthony G. Marson, Simon S. Keller
Epilepsy & Behavior, 2023.

vol2Brain: A new online Pipeline for whole Brain MRI analysis
José V. Manjón, José E. Romero, Roberto Vivo-Hernando, Gregorio Rubio, Fernando Aparici, Mariam de la Iglesia-Vaya and Pierrick Coupé.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2022.

Structural progression of Alzheimer’s disease over decades : the MRI staging scheme
Vincent Planche, José V. Manjon, Boris Mansencal, Enrique Lanuza, Thomas Tourdias, Gwenaëlle Catheline and Pierrick Coupé
Brain Communications, 2022.

HAVAs: Alzheimer’s Disease Detection using Normative and Pathological Lifespan Models
Pierrick Coupé, José V. Manjón, Boris Mansencal, Thomas Tourdias, Gwenaëlle Catheline and Vincent Planche.
Human Brain Mapping, 2022.

DeepHIPS: A novel Deep Learning based Hippocampus Subfield Segmentation method
Jose V. Manjón, Jose E. Romero and Pierrick Coupé.
Scientific Reports, 2022.

Towards a broader deep-learning generalization for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation.
Reda Abdellah Kamraoui, Vinh-Thong Ta, Thomas Tourdias, Boris Mansencal, Jose V Manjon, Pierrick Coupe.
Medical Image Analysis, 2022.

Deep Learning based MRI contrast synthesis using full volume prediction
Jose V. Manjón, Jose E. Romero and Pierrick Coupé.
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2022.

Fully Automated Delineation of the Optic Radiation for Surgical Planning using Clinically Feasible Sequences.
Lee B Reid, Eloy Martínez-Heras, Jose V Manjón, Rosalind L. Jeffree, Hamish Alexander, Julie Trinder, Elisabeth Solana, Sara Llufriu, Stephen Rose, Marita Prior, Jurgen Fripp
Human Brain Mapping, 2021.

Fully Automated Delineation of the Optic Radiation for Surgical Planning using Clinically Feasible Sequences.
Lee B Reid, Eloy Martínez-Heras, Jose V Manjón, Rosalind L. Jeffree, Hamish Alexander, Julie Trinder, Elisabeth Solana, Sara Llufriu, Stephen Rose, Marita Prior, Jurgen Fripp.
Human Brain Mapping, 2021.

Towards a unified analysis of cerebellum maturation and aging across the entire lifespan: A MRI analysis.
José E. Romero, Pierrick Coupe, Enrique Lanuza, Gwenaelle Catheline and José V. Manjón.
Human Brain Mapping, 2021.

Multi-scale Graph-based Grading for Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction.
JKillian Hett, V-T. Ta, Ipek Oguz, Jose V. Manjón, Pierrick Coupé.
Medical Image Analysis, 2021.

RegQCNET: Deep Quality Control for Image-to-template Brain MRI Affine Registration.
Baudouin Denis de Senneville, Jose V. Manjon, Pierrick Coupé
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2020.

AssemblyNet: A large ensemble of CNNs for 3D Whole Brain MRI Segmentation.
P. Coupé, B. Mansencal, M. Clément, R. Giraud, B. Denis de Senneville, V.-T Ta, V. Lepetit and Jose V. Manjón.
Neuroimage, 2020.

Differential annualized rates of hippocampal subfields atrophy in aging and future Alzheimer’s clinical syndrome
Louis Nadal, Pierrick coupé, Catherine Helmer, José V. Manjón, Helene Amieva, Francois Tison, Jean-Francois Dartigues and Gwenaelle Catheline.
Neurobiology of Aging, 2020.

Deep ICE: A Deep learning approach for MRI Intracranial Cavity Extraction.
Jose V. Manjón, Jose E. Romero, Roberto Vivo-Hernando, Gregorio Rubio-Navarro, Mariam De la Iglesia-Vaya, Fernando Aparici-Robles, Pierrick Coupé.
arXiv, 2020.

pBrain: A novel pipeline for Parkinson related brain structure segmentation.
José V. Manjón, Alexa Bertó, José E. Romero, Enrique Lanuza, Roberto Vivo-Hernando, Fernando Aparici-Robles and Pierrick Coupe.
Neuroimage:Clinical, 2020.

MRI denoising using Deep Learning and Non-local averaging.
Jose V. Manjon and P. Coupé.

Multimodal Hippocampal Subfield Grading For Alzheimer’s Disease Classification.
Kilian Hett, Vinh-Thong Ta, Gwenaelle Catheline, Thomas Tourdias, Jose V. Manjón, Pierrick Coupe.
Scientific Reports, 2019.

Cerebellar parcellation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Charles Laidi, Tomas Hajek, Filip Spaniel, Marian Kolenic, Marc-Antoine d’Albis, Samuel Sarrazin, Jean-François Mangin, Edouard Duchesnay, Paolo Brambilla, Michele Wessa, Julia Linke, Mircea Polosan, Pauline Favre, Amelia L Versace, Mary L Phillips, Jose V. Manjón, Jose E. Romero; Franz Hozer, Marion Leboyer, Pierrick Coupe Josselin Houenou.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2019.

Automated segmentation of medial temporal lobe subregions on in vivo T1-weighted MRI in early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
Long Xie, Laura Wisse, John Pluta, Robin de Flores, Jose V. Manjón, Hongzhi Wang, Sandhitsu Das, Song-Lin Ding, David Wolk, Paul Yushkevich.
Human Brain mapping, 2019.

Timeline of brain alterations in Alzheimer’s disease across the entire lifespan
Pierrick Coupé, Jose V. Manjón, Enrique Lanuza, Gwenaelle Catheline.
Scientific Reports, 2019.

volBrain: an online MRI brain volumetry system
Jose V. Manjón and Pierrick Coupe.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 2016.

MRI white matter lesion segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks and overcomplete patch-based voting.
Jose V. Manjón, Pierrick Coupé, Parnesh Raniga, Ying Xi, Patricia Desmond, Jurgen Fripp, Olivier Salvado.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2018.

Automated glioblastoma segmentation based on a multiparametric structured unsupervised classification.
Albarracin J.J., Garcia E.F., Manjón J.V., Robles M., Aparici F., Bonmati L.M., Garcia J.M.
Plos One, 10(5):e0125143, 2015.

NABS: Non-local Automatic Brain Hemisphere Segmentation.
Romero J.E., Manjón J.V., Tohka J., Coupé P., Robles M.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33(4):474-484, 2015.

MRI Noise Estimation and Denoising Using Non-Local PCA.
Manjón J.V., Coupe P., Buades A.
Medical Image Analysis, 22:35-47. 2015.

Non-local Intracranial Cavity Extraction.
Manjón J.V., Eskildsen S.F., Coupé P., Romero J.E., Collins D.L., Robles M.
IJBI. Article ID 820205. 2014.

PhD Thesis

Jose Vicente Manjón Herrera
Segmentación robusta imágenes de RM cerebral. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 2006.

Jose Enrique Romero Gómez
New methods for the automatic analysis of the volume of brain structures from nuclear magnetic resonance images Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 2018.